
Imagine a weekend-long party where you make stuff, learn from other coders and artists, watch nifty demos, hang out with your friends, maybe meet some of your heroes, and hear some kickass music. The Tenth Annual @party 2019 takes place Friday June 7th through Sunday June 9th at the Artisan’s Asylum makerspace 10 Tyler St. Somerville, MA. 

@party is an annual computer arts festival known as a “demoparty.”  The emphasis at a demoparty is on the creation of “demos” which are real-time rendered graphical programs, generally accompanied by a synced soundtrack and often created within some sort of artificial but standardized constraints.  @party will run from Friday June 7th through Sunday June 9th and features seminars, concerts, competitions, and is a great chance to learn cutting edge techniques, meet new collaborators, and show off your work.  The concert will be on the evening of Saturday June 9th at 9:00PM and will be followed immediately by the main compo block, neither of which should be missed! For more information, please visit our main site:  http://atparty-demoscene.net