Boston Cyberarts at Atlantic Wharf

In April, 2015, we said a fond farewell to Atlantic Wharf, after a successful year of cyberart, electronic music and new media public art on Boston’s waterfront.

Boston Cyberarts at Atlantic Wharf

Here’s the Cyberarts wrap-up:
We organized seven exhibitions of new media art, including art from such new media celebs as Daniel Rozin, David Rokeby, Golan Levin and Martin Wattenberg.

We also presented five electronic music performances ranging from drone to voice to alttered and artist-built instruments.

During the Boston Cyberarts Festival we hosted an art and technology dance performance by local company Kinodance, an augmented reality installation by Mark Skwarek, a virtual reality presentation by Public VR and a presentation and performance of the DemoScene.

Thanks to the people at Boston Properties for a great year of cyberart!