Based in the UK, Bolygó creates mechanisms animated by natural, invisible universal forces (gravity, optical laws, and crystalline movements on a nano scale) that investigate the process of creation independently. His sculptural inventions often explore the passing of time, and they record traces of particular events and movements on a surface-paper, metal, plaster, glass-through the build-up of complex patterns, highlighting the connection between space, matter, and time. The relationship between the predictable nature of a system (a machine, program, and algorithm) and the unpredictability of the human touch conjures up both notions of random chaos and universal order.
Curated by George Fifield, director of Boston Cyberarts, and Joseph D. Ketner II, Foster Chair in Contemporary Art, Distinguished Curator-in-Residence, at Emerson College, the exhibitions will highlight some of Bolygó’s works that explore similarities between artistic and scientific minds: both motivated by the need to discover and turn ideas into totalities. The Boston Cyberarts Gallery will present three machines that draw a mural, a portrait, and an animated film, while Emerson’s Huret & Spector Gallery will showcase three works that draw continuously with light.
“We are very excited to be collaborating with Boston Cyberarts in bringing the work of Bálint Bolygó to the U.S. for the first time. Boston is a hub for innovation, technology, as well as a thriving arts culture-areas that Bolygó draws inspiration from for his marvelous drawing-machine sculptures,” said Professor Ketner. “I hope visitors will enjoy this opportunity to see his work on display firsthand.”