Karl Sims’ Reaction-Diffusion Media Wall exhibit opened recently at the Museum of Science. It consists of emergent dynamic patterns displayed on a high resolution wall of 24 screens. Two simulated chemicals, shown as white and dark blue, react and diffuse to generate biological-looking patterns and shapes. A touch screen kiosk in front of the display allows visitors to adjust parameters and create a wide range of different results. Join us to hear Karl speak about this exhibit.
When: Thursday, Apr. 28th, 7:30pm (note that this event is on a Thursday)
Where: Boston Cyberarts Gallery, 141 Green St., Jamaica Plain, MA (next to the Green Street Station)
Presenter: Karl Sims
Free event
RSVP to or on our Facebook event. Space is limited.
About Karl Sims
Karl Sims is a digital media artist, computer graphics research scientist, and software entrepreneur. He is the founder and a board member of GenArts, Inc. of Cambridge, Massachusetts, which creates special effects software for the motion picture industry. He previously held positions at Thinking Machines Corporation, Optomystic, and Whitney/Demos Productions. Karl studied computer graphics at the MIT Media Lab, and Life Sciences as an undergraduate at MIT. He is the recipient of various awards including two ARS Electronica Golden Nicas and a MacArthur Fellowship Award.