March 4, 2015 ATNE Talk: Andrew Neumann

Andrew Neumann

A Boston based artist, Andrew Neumann will give an overview of his work, including material realized at The Experimental Television Center, sculptural pieces, multi-channel installations, as well as excerpts from single channel projections pieces, including DoublePsycho, Split:Riddle:, and various works in progress and other sundry experiments.

When: Wednesday, Mar. 4 2015, 7:30pm
Where: Boston Cyberarts Gallery, 141 Green St., Jamaica Plain, MA
Presenter: Andrew Neumann

About Andrew Neumann

Andrew Neumann is an artist who works in a variety of media, including sculpture, film and video installation, and electronic/interactive music. He received a Guggenheim Fellowship in 2004. He has recently had one-person shows at bitforms Gallery in Seoul, Korea, the DeCordova Museum in Lincoln, MA, bitforms Gallery, NYC, and Center For Photography at Woodstock, as well as numerous shows for the Boston Cyberarts Festival. His original artistic output consisted of single channel videos and films. He then moved on to integrate a variety of electronic and digital technologies into his 3D and sculptural work. In addition to this, he has been building electronic musical interfaces, and is very active in electro-acoustic improvisation.

His music is available on Sublingual Records. His single channel videos have been shown on PBS, The Worldwide Video Festival, Artist Space, and elsewhere. He has had solo music/video performances at Experimental Intermedia, Roulette, Issue Project Room in New York.

During 2001 he was an Artist in Residence at the iEAR Studio at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and at the Visual Studies Workshop. He has also had residencies at The Experimental Television Center, MacDowell Colony, YADDO, Ucross Foundation, Steim, Atlantic Center for the Arts, Art/OMI , and iPARK.