Oct. 28, 2015, Choreographing Kinetic Artworks Using Familiar Video Animation Tools

TechnoFrolics: dancing iron dust

Oct. 28th: Choreographing Kinetic Artworks Using Familiar Video Animation Tools

Join us as David Durlach demonstrates ChoreoV (“Choreography via Video”), a new software environment he is developing at TechnoFrolics, his Somerville, MA design studio. The application allows use of standard commercial video animation tools, with all their sophisticated WYSIWYG editing features, to choreograph real-world kinetic sculptures. Lights, motors, magnets, and more may be controlled interactively and in real-time, responding dynamically to on-screen keyframe adjustment and timeline scrubbing.

Part of the session will be allotted for attendees to share their reaction to the environment generally, as well as what form of it might be of most interest to them specifically. David’s high level aspiration for ChoreoV is to create a new ecosystem of kinetic artwork choreographers, coders, makers, artists, educators, and students.

When: Wednesday, Oct. 28, 2015 7:30pm
Where: Boston Cyberarts Gallery, 141 Green St., Jamaica Plain, MA (next to the Green Street Station)
Presenter: David Durlach

About David Durlach

David Durlach is a techno-artist, inventor, speaker/educator, and founder/director of TechnoFrolics, a small workshop born out of his combined love of technology and fascination with artistic expression and human emotion. Since its inception in 1988, TechnoFrolics’ choreographed artworks, educational exhibits, and commercial attractions have been exhibited/installed throughout the U.S., Europe, Asia, Australia, Canada, the Middle East, and Mexico, in contexts ranging from art galleries to museums to trade shows. David was Principal Investigator for a National Science Foundation SBIR grant developing Visual Performance Instruments, and has given talks in diverse contexts including the MIT Media Lab.